Hafnia’s Executive Management Team Reflect on 2022 and Ambitions for 2023

At Hafnia, everyone has a seat at the table, with perspectives from all business divisions reflected in key management processes and decisions. That is part of what drives Hafnia’s “People-First” culture.

Six members of senior management make up the Executive Management Team (EMT), who play a key role in steering the company towards its objectives and goals.

The team consists of Hafnia’s CEO, CFO, Head of Technical, Head of Commercial, Head of People, Culture and Strategy, and Head of Asset Management – ensuring that a diverse skillset is always prevalent throughout discussions. Alongside the EMT are 14 other Leadership Group (LG) members, who further represent a partnership across the organization who ensure a unified and represented voice is carried through the organization.

As we move further into 2023, we sat down with a few members of our EMT (Mia Krogslund Jørgensen, VP – Head of People, Culture & Strategy, Søren Steenberg Jensen, EVP –Head of Asset Management and Jens Christophersen, EVP – Head of Commercial) for perspective on their respective strategies, the accomplishments of the organization, and where Hafnia is heading in 2023 and beyond.

On what they enjoy the most about being a member of the EMT…

Mia Krogslund Jørgensen

We are all professionals within our areas of expertise, but simultaneously, we lift the responsibility as a team. Being able to share successes and challenges and learn from each other is what I find to be the most enjoyable.

Søren Steenberg Jensen

It’s inspiring and challenging to execute Hafnia’s vision and strategy, as well as being part of setting the course for Hafnia in the longer term. I enjoy taking part in the shared responsibility we have in the EMT and the challenge of motivating and inspiring the organization, our colleagues, and performing well to reach the goals of the company – all while ensuring that Hafnia is always a great place to work.

Jens Christophersen

I enjoy the full transparency and honest working environment inside the EMT, and the personal development that naturally comes with being part of an EMT leading a large and ever-growing company.

Their biggest highlights in 2022…

Søren Steenberg Jensen

We managed to execute our growth strategy with some extremely well-timed and well-priced, and also very large and complex transactions. Very few companies could have done those deals. It required most departments to work strategically, and in close corporation to make it possible. It was a big challenge and very inspiring to see what we could achieve together.

In addition, we set strong foundations in 2022 for Hafnia’s further progress on ESG matters, and we are on a good trajectory on those important points.

Jens Christophersen

Simply put, seeing the organization get back into the offices after Covid, spreading energy and living the Hafnia culture.

We started to travel again and had a great LG strategy meeting in person for the first time in years. Other highlights include seeing Hafnia Chemicals being established and growing the fleet and organization during the year. Our growing analysis and research capabilities has helped predict the market better and thereby position Hafnia to benefit from a significantly strong market today compared to 12 months ago.

Mia Krogslund Jørgensen

2022 was extraordinary in many ways, but the transactions we completed are the biggest highlights. I’m impressed by how our organization has come together and works like a highly functioning machine with everyone knowing what they have to do and what it takes. And even if there is some doubt, everyone leans in to support one another and goes the extra mile. In terms of our people agenda, this has been at the center of our strategy.

Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity (DIBE) is not only on my agenda but wholly owned by the EMT. Some great targets have already been achieved here, with 2022 being a pivotal year for this topic. This makes me very proud.

Some top priorities for 2023…

Jens Christophersen

We must continue to focus on our customer relations and develop an even stronger sense of how we can reduce our carbon footprint, so we are prepared for the new regulations and carbon taxation systems ahead for our industry.  We must also continue to push the diversity agenda for our industry and become sharper with regard to what Hafnia will look like 10 years from now – and how we will get there.

Mia Krogslund Jørgensen

In 2023, we will continue our ambitious and people-centric strategy. We have many opportunities and challenges ahead and navigating these will require many different skills and perspectives.

Søren Steenberg Jensen

We’re in a very strong part of the shipping cycle with strong earnings and likely not much activity on the M&A side this year, so it’s important to digest the past year’s activity and for all to enjoy a rewarding market.

Having said that, in 2023 we need to continue our efforts to ensure that Hafnia remains relevant and preferred as a company, a service provider, and a workplace, both in the short and long term. Our DIBE and ESG strategies need to be fully ingrained in our DNA, and no matter how uncertain the geopolitical and long-term industry outlooks may be, we must continue to digitalize, innovate, research, and implement future solutions both ashore and aboard. And with further legislation regarding the environmental impact of shipping set to roll out in the coming years, especially we need to continue improving our fleet emissions.